MicroLED Market reports

Last updated on Wed 31/01/2024 - 16:53

MicroLED-Info was established in 2017 to provide services and resources for the global MicroLED display industry. MicroLED-Info offers market research, consultation and marketing services for display professionals.

MicroLED Reports

MicroLED-Info provides comprehensive niche microLED market reports. Our reports cover everything you need to know about market segments, and can be useful if you want to understand how the microLED industry works and what this technology can provide for your own market. The reports also contain personal contact details for the companies involves in the market. All our reports are updated quarterly.

The Transparent OLED and MicroLED Market Report:

  • Transparent OLED and MicroLED properties and advantages
  • The transparent OLED and MicroLED industry
  • What kind of transparent OLEDs are currently on the market
  • The transparent OLED lighting market

The report package provides all you need to know about transparent the OLED and MicroLED industries and the current market status.

The OLED and MicroLED Microdisplays Market Report:

  • The advantages of OLED and MicroLED microdisplays
  • Information on all companies involved in this market
  • What kind of displays are available on the market today
  • Future technologies and roadmaps

The report package also provides a complete list of OLED and microLED microdisplays makers and their current (and future) products, and over 25 datasheets, presentations and catalogs

The MicroLED Transfer Process Report:

  • Different transfer technologies and process
  • Information on all companies involved in this industry
  • Future technologies and roadmaps
  • Information on transfer-less production

The report package also provides a complete list of microLED transfer process developers and their current (and future) products and over 20 presentations and brochures.

The Perovskite for the Display Industry Market Report:

  • Perovskite materials and their properties
  • Perovskite applications in the display industry
  • Perovskite QDs for color conversion
  • Prominent perovskite display related research activities

The report also provides a list of perovskite display companies, datasheets and brochures of pQD film solutions, an introduction to perovskite materials and processes, an introduction to emerging display technologies and more.

The Graphene for the Display and Lighting Industries:

  • Graphene applications in LEDs
  • Graphene's adoption as display backplanes
  • The different usages of graphene for OLED lighting
  • Transparent graphene electrodes
  • Graphene-based encapsulation development

The report package also provides a list of graphene companies involved in those markets, an introduction to graphene and details about graphene for QDs, lasers and thermal foils

The MicroLED Handbook

Our sister site MicroLED-Info offers the MicroLED Handbook, a comprehensive guide to MicroLED technology, industry and market, written by Ron Mertens (MicroLED-Info's founder and editor-in-chief). The MicroLED Handbook is a great read for display industry professionals that want to quickly understand all about microLEDs and their future impact on our industry. The last edition was released in January 2024.

Reading this book, you'll learn all about:

  • MicroLED technology, materials and production processes
  • How microLEDs compare to LCDs and OLEDs
  • What are the challenges towards commercial production
  • LED technology and manufacturing processes
  • MicroLED driving and full-color architectures
  • The MicroLED displays currently on the market
  • And a lot more!

The OLED Handbook

OLED-Info's OLED Handbook is a comprehensive guide to OLED technology, industry and market, written by Ron Mertens (OLED-Info's founder and editor-in-chief since 2004). The OLED Handbook is the best way to quickly get in-depth OLED knowledge and become an OLED expert.

Reading this book, you'll learn all about:

  • OLED technology, materials and production processes
  • How OLEDs compare to LCD displays and LED lighting
  • What kind of OLED panels are available on the market today
  • What are the obstacles on the way for cheaper OLEDs
  • Samsung's Super AMOLED panels
  • The OLED TV market
  • The future of OLED displays and lighting and the challenges ahead
  • And a lot more!


Private MicroLED Seminar

MicroLED-Info is now offering companies a comprehensive private microLED seminar that will cover the present and future of the microLED industry and market.

Topics covered in the microLED seminar include: an introduction to MicroLED displays, including competitive analysis, microLED display structure, architectures, processes, the microLED industry and market, new production paradigms, AR and VR microdisplays, epiwafer consumption forecast and more. Read more here!