
Last updated on Wed 05/06/2024 - 13:46
Company Type: 

US-based Google is a multinational technology company focusing on search engine technology, AI, online advertising, cloud computing, and consumer electronics.

Google is developing microLED technologies, mainly for AR applications. In 2022, Google acquired Raxium, a US-based microLED microdisplay developer.

Company Address

1600 Amphitheatre
Mountain View, CA 94043
United States

MicroLED Connect - where the MicroLED industry meets!

Do NOT miss the most important meeting of the year: Book your tickets before 12 July and save up to 500 Euro per person!

The most important dedicated MicroLED conference and exhibition worldwide. And it is the first ever dedicated MicroLED event!

Dates: 25 & 26 Sept 2024
Location: High Tech Campus, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Organizers: TechBlick and the MicroLED Industry Association

Agenda: Amazing speaker line-up including Google, Yole, Continental, Aixtron, Applied Materials, Toray Engineering, TCL CSOT, JCDecaux, CEA Leti, Coherent, VueReal, Omdia, and many others.  

Read the full story Posted: Jun 28,2024

A Google patent reveals a Micro-LED based AR device

Google was granted a new patent that describes a micro-LED based AR glasses device. This is a patent from March 2016 that was now granted.

Google Micro-LED AR patent figure

According to the patent description, the Micro-LED active area is aligned to an array of collimating reflectors that reflect a display image back towards a user's eyes. The patent also describes a similar VR device (in which the displays are not see-through).

Read the full story Posted: Nov 04,2017