Driving Innovation: The Transformative Potential of MicroLEDs in Automotive Displays

The MicroLED Industry Association published today a new white paper, that is focused on microLED automotive displays.

One of the key markets for microLED developers is the automotive market, as microLED displays provide strong benefits over existing technologies, and the luxury automotive segment makes it possible to adopt next generation display technologies even at low volume and relatively high prices.

This white paper focuses on the automotive industry, explains the need for next-generation displays, and details the latest automotive display prototypes and technologies. The white paper also includes a discussion OLED technology challenges, the opportunities for microLED developers and a detailed look into the different display types used in the automotive industry.


The white paper is published on the MicroLED Association's website, and is open to the public.

Posted: Jun 06,2024 by Ron Mertens