ETRI researchers develop a novel method to produce microLEDs using a new film material

Researchers from Korea's Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) developed a new process to produce microLED displays, which they say can be highly cost effective.

MicroLED production using SITRAB (ETRI)

The new process is based on a novel film-like material developed at ETRI, called SITRAB. Using lasers, the process apparently detaches the microLED from the original epiwafer and bonds it to the SITRAB film in the same process step. The LEDs are then transferred to the final target backplane.

The researchers say that this process could be highly effective - and cut production time by 90% compared to current methods, and reduce material costs and repair cost and time to a fraction of its current cost.

The ETRI researchers developed a prototype microLED display that uses 1,225 microLED devices. The next goal is to commercialize the technology for industrial scale processes within two years.

Posted: May 26,2021 by Ron Mertens