MicroLED-Connect is the world's first dedicated MicroLED conference and exhibition. The event, organized by TechBlick and the MicroLED Association, will take place at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, also known as "the smartest square kilometer in all of Europe", and will include an excellent conference program, masterclasses, tours - with a special emphasis on social/professional gatherings and networking opportunities. Register now and enjoy a discounted rate (until August 16).

The microLED industry is backed by the largest companies in the display industry, and has the support of the world's consumer electronics industry. But the technology is still at an early stage, and the road to success is not yet clear. MicroLED-Connect will present a great opportunity to understand the current status of the industry, learn the different roadmaps, understand the key application areas and what the near- and far-future holds for microLEDs.
The MicroLED-Connect conference will include many lectures that will discuss the current industry - with major companies like Meta, Google, TCL CSoT and others to present their views on microLEDs. The Yole Group will discuss the current market and its roadmap, the latest trends, and give its forecast, and Omdia will give an update about the industry and share its own market forecast of micro LED displays, segmenting it by various technologies and processes.
Those interested in specific market segments, like AR/VR, Automotive or TVs, will find many presentations that discuss these topics and the current status, challenges and roadmaps. Continental, for example, will discuss the opportunities for microLEDs in the automotive sector, while KuraTech, MICLEDI, XPANCEO and others will discuss the AR market in detail. JCDecaux will discuss the latest trends in outdoor signage - another important segment for microLED developers.
The first day's masterclasses will also present excellent opportunities to gain high-level understanding of the display industry, and learn the outlook of the market and what will drive future growth. Ian Hendy from Hendy Consulting will discuss the current market mechanisms and will give his outlook on the microLED industry. Korea's UBI Research will present its own views on the AR and VR markets, and show the latest trends and markets.
The many networking opportunities and exhibition will be an excellent opportunity for lively discussions about the microLED industry and market. On the first day of the event, the MicroLED Association will hold a special members-only dinner in which the Association's 2024 industry roadmap will be discussed for the first time.
MicroLED-Connect's talks, masterclasses and networking opportunities will be an excellent way to become an expert on the display industry and market and will help guide companies in the right direction with their marketing and R&D budgets.
Beyond market and industry analysis, MicroLED-Connect will have an excellent agenda, with a speaker line-up that includes Google, Meta, Yole, Continental, Aixtron, Applied Materials, Toray Engineering, TCL CSOT, JCDecaux, CEA Leti, Coherent, VueReal, Omdia, and many others. You can access the full agenda here. Register now and enjoy a discounted rate (until August 16)!